how to choose the right smtp plugin

How to Choose the Right SMTP Plugin for Your Site

When it comes to running a WordPress site, ensuring that your emails reach users is crucial for maintaining smooth communication. However, relying on the default WordPress email system can be risky.

Many times, emails don’t even make it to the inbox, and instead, they land in spam folders or get blocked altogether. This can be frustrating, especially when those emails are vital for running your business.

So, how do you fix it? The solution lies in using an SMTP plugin. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process, breaking down what to look for and how to choose the right SMTP plugin for your WordPress site.

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Setting Up the Mailgun Mailer

In this tutorial, we’ll cover how to use the Mailgun mailer with Easy WP SMTP. Before getting started, you’ll need to ensure Easy WP SMTP is installed and activated on your WordPress site. 1. Activating Your Mailgun Account If you don’t have a Mailgun account, you’ll need to create an account on their website.  After completing the […]

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Setting Up the Outlook Mailer

In this tutorial, we’ll cover how to use the Outlook mailer with Easy WP SMTP. Before getting started, you’ll need to ensure Easy WP SMTP is installed and activated on your WordPress site. 1. Getting Started With Easy WP SMTP Once you’ve installed and activated Easy WP SMTP, go to Easy WP SMTP » Settings to access […]

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How To View WordPress Email Logs

How To View WordPress Email Logs (Easiest Way)

Want to gain full visibility into your WordPress site’s email activity?

This guide walks you through how to view WordPress email logs using Easy WP SMTP.

Learn how to install the plugin, set up email logging, and use email log data for troubleshooting, security, and compliance.

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