Exporting Email Logs

In this tutorial, we’ll cover all the options for exporting email logs in Easy WP SMTP. Exporting Multiple Email Logs To export your email logs, go to Easy WP SMTP » Tools and navigate to the Export tab. Here, you’ll see the Export Email Logs section and the available exporting options. We’ll explain each of […]

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Privately Sharing Login Credentials with Support

Do you need to share your site’s login credentials to help fix a problem but feel worried about security? Sharing private information via email can raise concerns for some. If you’d like to have more assurance, you can use a temporary link so that your password will only be accessible for a short period of […]

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Understanding Usage Tracking

This tutorial covers details about the data Easy WP SMTP collects through usage tracking. Easy WP SMTP WordPress Web Server Frequently Asked Questions Below we’ve answered the top questions we receive about Easy WP SMTP usage tracking. How do I opt into (or out of) usage tracking? This generally depends on whether you’re using the […]

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