Introducing Easy WP SMTP 2.5 – Backup Connection and Smart Email Routing

Introducing Easy WP SMTP 2.5 - Backup Connection and Smart Email Routing

As the world’s simplest SMTP plugin, we have only one mission: to make sending emails from your WordPress site as easy and reliable as possible so you can focus on running your website and your business.

So I know you’re going to be as thrilled as I am about the launch of Easy WP SMTP 2.5 today, hot on the heels of our last major update.

Our team has been hard at work to get new features out to you in record time and we couldn’t be more excited to share that your WordPress email management is now even easier.

What’s New in Easy WP SMTP 2.5

With this release, we’re adding two powerful new features that will bring even more reliability and flexibility to your WordPress emails: Backup Connections and Smart Email Routing.

Even the most reliable email services can have temporary outages. And sometimes, a service that’s perfect for your marketing emails isn’t the right choice for your transactional emails.

That’s why we’ve given you these new options to give you more flexibility over how your emails are sent and the peace of mind that you’ll always have a backup in the case of a service outage.

  • Email Logs
  • Easy Setup
  • 5 Star Support

Never Miss a Beat with Backup Connections

Email is crucial for your business, and even a brief delay in communication can have significant consequences.

That’s why we’ve introduced Backup Connections. Now, if your primary email service experiences issues, Easy WP SMTP Pro automatically switches to your backup, ensuring your critical emails always reach their destination.

Setting up a Backup Connection is as simple as configuring your primary connection. Just head to the new Additional Connections tab, set up your backup mailer, select it as your Backup Connection in Settings, and you’re protected against unexpected email delivery disruptions.

Easy WP SMTP Additional Connections

Adding an extra connection as a fallback email service eliminates the risk of lost emails due to service outages and ensures continuous communication with your customers and team.

Backup Connection

You’ll have peace of mind knowing your email system has a safety net and those important site messages such as form submissions, order confirmations, and account update emails will always reach their intended recipient promptly.

Take Control with Smart Email Routing

Now you can add additional connections, you not only have improved email reliability, but also more flexibility over how WordPress manages your emails.

Our new Smart Routing feature, available in Easy WP SMTP Pro, gives you granular control over how your emails are sent. 

Activate Smart Routing

Want to send order confirmations through one service and newsletter signups through another? Now you can!

Smart Routing allows you to create custom rules based on various email elements such as subject line, sender address, or the WordPress plugin or function triggering the email.

Smart Routing Conditions

Emails that don’t match your routing rules will default to your primary connection, giving you a flexible system that adapts to your specific needs.

Some email services support strictly transactional emails only, while others are better suited for the needs of bulk marketing emails.

Now with our Smart Email routing, you can improve overall deliverability by using the best service for each email type, and routing your emails through multiple services could even be more economical for your business.

Bonus: New SMTP2GO Integration

As an added bonus, we’ve also expanded our list of supported email services. This gives you even more flexibility in choosing the right email provider for your needs.

Known for its reliability and excellent deliverability rates, SMTP2GO is now available as a mailer option in Easy WP SMTP 2.5. Whether it’s your first choice as a primary mailer or you’re looking for a suitable service to use as a Backup Connection, you now have a wider choice of mailer options.

SMTP2GO Mailer

SMTP2GO offers a generous free plan, which allows you to send up to 1,000 emails per month. This makes it a great budget option for small websites that don’t have a high email volume.

We believe in providing the best email solutions to all our users, regardless of whether they’re using the free or Pro version. 

That’s why we’ve made SMTP2GO available to everyone using Easy WP SMTP. Our goal is to ensure that all users have access to reliable email services, giving you the freedom to choose the best option for your needs.

To get started with SMTP2GO, simply sign up for an account, select it from our list of mailers, and enter your API key. It’s that easy!

Get Started Today

We’re delighted to be able to bring you the enhanced reliability and greater flexibility that Backup Connections and Smart Email Routing offer. And with more email providers to choose from, you’ve got even more control over how you send your emails.

Ready to take your WordPress email management to the next level? Upgrade to Easy WP SMTP Pro today and experience these powerful new features for yourself.

  • Email Logs
  • Easy Setup
  • 5 Star Support

We’re constantly working to improve Easy WP SMTP and make it the best WordPress email solution available. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these new features and any ideas you have for future updates.

Until next time,


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